新会社「Audi Volkswagen Retail Japan株式会社」の設立について
アウディジャパン販売株式会社(AJS)とフォルクスワーゲンジャパン販売株式会社(VJS)は、2025年1月1日に合併して、「Audi Volkswagen Retail Japan株式会社(AVRJ)」となりました。
Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H. (PHS)は2018年にPAIG Japan Automobile Investment合同会社(PAIG)を設立、PAIGは日本におけるPHSディーラーネットワークの開発・運営を全面的に担っております。
PAIGは2019年1月にVJS、2020年4月にAJSの事業をそれぞれVolkswagen Group Japan株式会社から譲り受け、さらに2022年4月よりPorscheの販売を行う新会社Exclusive Cars Japan合同会社を設立しました。
新会社となる「Audi Volkswagen Retail Japan株式会社」は、AJSとVJS双方のノウハウやリソースを最大限に活用することでシナジーを創出し、お客様にこれまで以上に質の高いサービスを提供して参ります。
Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H. (PHS)とは
PAIGの親会社PHSは、1947年にポルシェ家とピエヒ家によって設立されました。2011年3月1日、PHSはVolkswagen AGの100%子会社となり、ヨーロッパ最大かつ最も成功を収めている自動車販売ネットワークとして不動の位置を築きました。
PAIG Japan Automobile Investment合同会社
代表取締役社長 イヴァイエロ プレフ
Establishment of New Company “Audi Volkswagen Retail Japan K.K. ”
Effective January 1, 2025, Audi Japan Sales K.K. (AJS) and Volkswagen Japan Sales K.K. (VJS) merged into one legal entity, named Audi Volkswagen Retail Japan K.K. (AVRJ).
Background information:
In Japan, Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H. (PHS) established PAIG Japan Automobile Investment GK (PAIG) in 2018 to take full responsibility for the development and operation of PHS’s dealer network in Japan.
PAIG took over the operation of VJS in January 2019 and AJS in April 2020 from the Importers.
In addition, PAIG established a new company, Exclusive Cars Japan GK, to carry out sales of the Porsche brand from April 2022.
Currently, PAIG operates 11 Volkswagen dealerships, 12 Audi dealerships, and 2 Porsche dealerships.
At this time, PAIG decided to merge AJS and VJS into one legal entity.
The new entity Audi Volkswagen Retail Japan K.K. will continue to create synergy by maximizing the know-how and resources of both AJS and VJS, to provide our valuable customers with higher quality services than ever before.
Shareholder Information:
PAIG parent company, Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H. (PHS), was founded by the Families Porsche and Piëch back in 1947.
As of 1 March 2011, PHS became a 100 % subsidiary of Volkswagen AG and hence an integral element of the most successful European automobile manufacturer.
Nowadays PHS is the largest and most successful automotive distributor in Europe.
The Salzburg-based company operates today in 23 countries throughout Europe, as well as in Colombia, Chile, China, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan.
Notice to Our Policyholders:
Due to the merger of the two corporations, their respective insurance agencies merged as of the same date.
For customers who have enrolled in insurance with us, including compulsory automobile liability insurance, the current dealerships and representatives in charge continue to handle all of your insurance contracts. Please continue to entrust your contracts to us.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your designated dealerships or representative.
1 January 2025,
PAIG Japan Automobile Investment GK
CEO, Ivaylo Pulev